I stand right inside the large gate leading down a path to a thickly wooded forest. It looks cold and infinitesimal. Standing next to me holding my hand is Jesus. He looks so scared. He looks to me asking with his eyes for me to accompany him down the path.
I pray, “Sweet Lord, let me take on some of the pain that you are going to be enduring for my sake. We both know that I do not have the courage and the strength to take on all my sins; but what I can endure, please let me. It will only give you an infinitesimal relief, I know, but allow me all the same”. He smiles at me and we begin to walk.
I am at Mass and the priest is turning the bread into the body of Jesus Christ. As he holds up the bread I see myself walking towards the cross to touch His bloodstained feet. A tip of a whip hits my hand and tears my flesh. I look at my wound and up and Jesus. He smiles weakly at me. He has answered my prayer.
As the priest holds up the wine to be turned into blood, I feel Jesus’ sweat and blood pour onto my wound. It is healed. I look up at my Lord and His eyes tell me, “Your sin has been washed away.”
What was this sin? Moses speaks today in Deuteronomy 30:15-20 the fate of those who choose between life and prosperity and death and doom. How often I have chosen the latter by turning away my heart and not listening. I have adored other gods. I am not ignorant of God’s law. I have been taught. I have been warned that these choices mean I will perish. So many times I have committed this sin. But today I saw one of those times disappear into the Jesus’ ocean of mercy and I was given the grace of joining in His Passion.
Praise Be to God, our Lord Jesus Christ!
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